Traditional Handmade Silver Cretan Knives!


Cretan Knive!

If we close our eyes and imagine a Cretan old man of yesterday's times, we will picture him with his traditional costume and of course with his knife. The Cretan knife, was one of the most favourite accessories of old Cretans. It was an essential tool in their daily lives and a way of defending their life and their honor, especially if it was ‘asimoto', ie with a silver case, it was an establishment of the Cretan chivalry.

The current form of the Cretan knife derived from the knives that first Turkish Conquerors used to hold, but over the years, local craftsmen added some western elements lent by the Venetian times along with elements from the pure Cretan tradition. The result was a unique handmade knife, which is easily recognized as Cretan. Original Cretans used to order their knives in this unique form, because they were very proud of the fact that their knife was a clear proof of their origin.

The Cretan knife went through a difficult period after the war. Apart from their traditional celebrations in which Cretans wore and demonstrated their knives, they ceased however to wear it their everyday life. The evolution of tourism within the whole Cretan region and the increasing demand for souvenirs, resulted in the mass production of cheap and of low aesthetic Cretan knives. It is with great pleasure however that in recent years, more and more people like dancers, collectors and passionate craftsmen contributed to the revival of that explicit old art. One of these craftsmen who make nowadays authentic Cretan ‘asimota’ knives, similar to the old ones, is called Eftihis Sartzetakis. As an original Cretan himself, his childhood memories, are full of pictures with his grandfather wearing actually that kind of knife. His avocation in the construction of Cretan knives was inevitable. He became a professional silver master who very early began to grabble with the construction and the chiseling of the silver sheath. Each knife he makes, is custom made, with any preferred shape and symbol. These silver handmade knives have become extremely popular as many people choose to offer them as a gift to any formal event, to a one’s best man or "syntekno" (friend as blood brother or son). Knives are also donated by the mayors or the district commissioner of the Crete in prestigious guests who visit the island and it is said that by taking a Cretan knife with them, is actually taking a piece of the unique Cretan soul that accompanies them all the way.


Black Horn

34 cm sheath - 12,5 cm haft


30 cm sheath - 12,5 cm haft


23 cm sheath - 12 cm haft

Yatagan Dagger

34 cm sheath - 13 cm haft

Παραδοσιακά Χειροποίητα Ασημένια Κρητικά Μαχαίρια

Το κρητικό μαχαίρι είναι στοιχείο μοναδικής έκφρασης υλικού πολιτισμού και παράδοσης αυτού του λαού που η καλαισθησία έχει θέση παντού. Η συνέχεια αυτής της όμορφης παράδοσης έχει ήδη ζωή αιώνων και συνδέει όλες αυτές τις εποχές.

Το ασημωτό μαχαίρι είτε αντρικό είτε γυναικείο είναι αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι της κρητικής φορεσιάς και της ιδιαίτερης εμφάνισης του κρητικού. Ατσάλι φωτιά αμόνι και δεξιοτεχνία είναι μερικά απο αυτά που χρειάζεται ο τεχνίτης για την λάμα (μαχαίρι). Καθαρό ασήμι γνώση και τεχνική προσδιορίζουν ένα καλό sheath.

Σκάλισμα περίτεχνο για το ανάγλυφο με προσήλωση στην λεπτομέρια αγάπη στην παράδοση και στους ανθρώπους που το εκτιμούν και το τιμούν. Το κρητικό μαχαίρι θεωρείται και ειναι μοναδικό, φτιαγμένο με υπομονή και ιδιαίτερη φροντίδα για να παραμένει αναλλοίωτο στόν χρόνο αφού είναι 100% χειροποίητο με αυστηρά τηρούμενες προδιαγραφές ως πρός το σχήμα και τα υλικά.